Image Gallery


Two of the Star Helix directors at HI-SEAS, testing heart rate variability in different spacesuits, pressurised (left) and unpressurised (right), Hawai'i.
On an EVA on Mauna Loa in Hawai'i
Sunrise EVA at HI-SEAS
Outreach at the Los Alamos Science Fest, New Mexico.
Relaxing after outreach activities at the Los Alamos Science Fest, New Mexico.
Building the new SAM Mars Yard out of the abandoned Biosphere 2 test module greenhouse, Arizona.
Preparing the new Mars Yard for SAM at Biosphere 2, Arizona.
Assisting Dr Cameron Smith into one of his pressurised spacesuits for a demonstration at the Mars Society Convention, Arizona.
Attending the Mars Society Convention Dinner.
A preliminary NBL test on the Grissom Suit, Phoenix.
Outreach at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
Speaking to students at the Global MilSatCom 2023, London.


Directors Rebekah Russwurm and Mason Robbins at the Royal Society of Edinburgh for their 'Custodions of the Cosmos' event, Scotland.
Dr Mason Robbins, attending the International Institute of Astronautical Studies (IIAS), Florida.
Dr Mason Robbins undergoing high altitude hypoxia training at IIAS, Florida.
Emergency egress training at the Centre for Human Space Exploration (CHaSE), University of Arizona.
Two of the directors visiting World View at Spaceport Tucson, Arizona.
Visiting the World View stratospheric capsule mock-up, Arizona.
Two of the Star Helix directors returning to Biosphere 2 for the Analog Astronaut Conference, where Dr Robbins spoke on a panel.
Demonstrating the world's first children's spacesuit, the The TRU5T suit, at the Analog Astronaut Conference at Biosphere 2, Arizona.
Drs Nicholson and Robbins spent two weeks at Berkley, as guest lecturers for the Astronomy course run by Dr Lawrence Kuznetz, creator of the Apollo Liquid Cooling Garment.
Demonstrating the Grissom suit to a class at UC Berkley, California.
A two-way technology demonstration with SuitX, at their facility in San Francisco. Drs Smith and Kuznetz showing the inner layers of the NBL suit.
A two-way technology demonstration with SuitX, at their facility in San Francisco. Dr Nicholson trying on the IX Shoulder Air exoskeleton.
Directors Mason Robbins and Natasha Nicholson representing Scotland at the FMARS Arctic Research Station, Nunavut.
Testing suit pressure in the FMARS engineering room, checking for compromised seams after transportation.
En-route to testing the pressurised Grissom suit, with helmet, battery pack and air compressor, in the Arctic.
Dr Natasha Nicholson fixing Arctic algae samples for later analysis, using RNAlater in the FMARS Arctic station lab.
All three directors signing ESA's Statement for a Responsible Space Sector at the AstroAgency booth, SpaceCom Expo, Glasgow.
Dr Mason Robbins presenting with peers at the SEDS USA 'Spacevision 2023' conference, Denver.
An evening of networking at the Women's Enterprise Scotland Awards, Glasgow.
All three Star Helix directors at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Milan, Italy.
Dr Robbins representing Star Helix on a trade mission to Dubai, visiting Dr. Munir Ahmad, the CEO of Al Maktoum Investment Group, and a Crown Prince of the Royal Family.
Dr Natasha Nicholson (top centre), with colleagues at the 'Statement for a Responsible Space Sector - 2024 Plenary Meeting' held by ESA.
Dr Mason Robbins at Lunares Research Station, testing core drilling procedures in the pressurised Grissom suit, Poland.